3 Things To Do For Your Dog To Care For Them After They Have Been Spayed Or Neutered

Posted on: 21 March 2016

When your dog gets done being spayed or neutered at a veterinary office, like Caring Hands Animal Hospital, they are going to need some special care. Just as humans, they are going to be somewhat groggy from the anesthesia and their body needs extra care in order to heal properly. Your vet will give you some specific instructions on how to care for your animal and will also give you a number that you can call if you need extra assistance or information. This article will discuss 3 things to do for your dog to care for them after they have been spayed or neutered. 

Make Sure They Do Not Touch Their Stitches

Your dog is going to have stitches from the procedure and it is crucial that they do not lick, bite, or otherwise mess with these stitches in any way. Your vet will likely give your dog a cone to wear around their neck to prevent this from happening, and it is going to be up to you to ensure that the cone stays on your dog. Even if they don't like it, you are going to have to find a way to keep it on them. Also, be sure to clean the stitches if and when necessary, and remove them or make sure that they dissolve if they are dissolving stitches. 

Give Them A Dark, Quiet Place To Rest 

Your dog is going to be quite worn out after surgery, so in order to help them get some must needed rest, you should create a dark and quiet place for them to rest. To make a room darker you can cover your blinds with a black curtain or sheet, and then you can create a comfortable bed that fits your dog well. Leave them in this room to sleep, but be sure to check on them often to make sure that they are properly recovering from surgery. 

Offer Them A Small Amount Of Food And Water 

About 2 hours after your animal has been released from surgery, it is a good idea to offer them a small amount of food and water. It is recommended that you offer them about half of their normal amount, and see if they are interested in eating it. Your animal may or may not eat the food, but if they haven't eaten by the following day or if the food causes them to vomit or have diarrhea, then it may be a good idea to call the vet and see what they can do.
