
  • 3 Non-Declawing-Related Tips To Prevent Your Cat From Clawing Your Furniture

    Although cat ownership can be a wonderful thing, one thing that can drive you crazy is dealing with your cat's scratching. Cats have a natural desire to sharpen their claws and scratch things, but this can be a big pain when it's your furniture that is being scratched. Still, you may not want to have your cat declawed. Luckily, following these three tips can help, without the need for this procedure.
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  • 3 Tips about Proper Health Care for Your Newly Adopted Senior Dog

    If you have recently adopted a senior dog, you probably already appreciate the mellow nature and training that mature canines often have. However, in order to enjoy more years with your four-legged family member, it is important to understand that senior dogs often have specific health care and nutritional needs. Because of this, it will be a good idea to talk with your veterinarian about the following information. #1-More Frequent Checkups for Senior Dogs
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  • Prevent Dog Obesity By Considering These 4 Corpulent Canine Clues

    Just like with humans, obesity ranks as one of the top health risks for dogs. Researchers from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found that an estimated 54 percent of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Carrying too many pounds can have a sizable impact on your dog's health, eventually leading to a variety of weight-related health problems. The following offers 4 good ways to tell if your pooch needs to shed a few pounds and see a vet for dog treatment in your area.
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  • Should Indoor Cats Still Get The Feline Leukemia Vaccine?

    Veterinarians often recommend feline leukemia vaccinations as part of a comprehensive vaccine schedule, but if your cat is indoor-only, you may wonder if that shot is really necessary. Because feline leukemia virus is spread from cat to cat through close physical contact, any pet who stays inside should theoretically be protected already. But reality isn't always so simple, and the lethal nature of feline leukemia makes it a smart move to have your cat vaccinated against it anyways.
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  • How To Identify Dog Fighting And How To Help

    Though the sadistic act of dog fighting is illegal, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people in the US participating in this heinous activity. The best way to help the animals used and abused in this crime is to contact the authorities when you have suspicious about illegal dog fighting in your area. Don't know how to identify if this is going on? There are some things that you can look for that point to dog fighting:
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  • 4 Ways To Help Calm Down A Stressed Out Cat

    Humans are not the only ones that get stressed out! If your cat is hiding a lot, eliminating outside of the litter box, pulling his own hair out, or acting more skittish than usual, he is probably stressed out. Luckily, there are some simple ways to bring down your cat's stress levels. Make sure the food and litter are in safe, secluded areas. Cats like their privacy when eating and when eliminating.
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  • 3 Reasons To Take A Dog To The Vet

    Dogs can be among the most rewarding and loving pets that you can have but, which makes it all the more important that you take care of them when they need medical assistance. Listed below are just a few of the reasons to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Diarrhea One of the most dangerous symptoms that your dog can be experiencing is constant diarrhea that lasts for several days.
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  • 4 Ways To Determine Whether A Puppy Is A Good Fit For You Before You Bring It Home

    Once you have decided to adopt a puppy, you may be concerned about making the right choice. After all, the new pet will become a treasured member of your family. Thus, the decision should not be made haphazardly. Still, there are some tests that you can perform on a puppy before you make your selection. Here are a few things you can do to help discover whether a puppy is a good fit for you before you bring it home:
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  • 4 Dog Care Tips Not To Overlook

    As a dog owner, taking care of your dog's health is a huge part of your responsibility that you take on when you bring them into your home. Dogs can suffer from many health problems that come with lack of care that can not only be expensive to treat, but also devastating. Here are four dog care tips that many dog owners don't take seriously, but you should: Always Have Fresh Water: Filling your dog's water bowl only once a day or only when you notice that it is empty is not the best way to ensure that your dog is staying hydrated.
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  • How Dogs Improve Your Life

    Dog lovers do not need to be convinced about the value of their pets. Many pet owners treat their animals like members of the family. If you are on the fence about getting a pet because you have never owned one or are worried about the responsibilities involved, including medical care, you should be aware of the many advantages of owning a dog. Mood If you often find yourself tense or depressed, owning a dog can be a non-medical solution.
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